Last week, we were so excited to learn of the major Government announcement and their commitment to PE and School Sport funding for at least the next two academic years.

The full package announced included the continuation of the Primary PE and Sport Premium as well as a greater push for schools to deliver a minimum of 2 hours of curriculum Physical Education. With two more years of SGO funding and equal access to sport in school, there’s lots to be excited about!

The full details of the package announced by the government can be read here.

It is vital that schools use the PE and sport premium funding to make sustainable improvements in the following five key indicators:

So how can Complete PE help?

Our scheme of work, supporting resources and in-built training will support schools to ensure that all teachers feel confident to enjoy teaching Physical Education. This means that by implementing Complete PE, schools are making a big impact in Key Indicator 1.

Using Complete PE, all of our lessons and units promote highly active participation from all pupils, inspiring pupils to want to lead healthy active lives. Schools can monitor and record the activity levels of all pupils, enabling schools to see impact under Key Indicator 2.

Because Complete PE has success outcomes (physical, cognitive, social and emotional) that will challenge the personal development of every child, Complete PE is therefore supporting whole school improvement, helping every child to succeed. This ensures that schools make a significant and long-term impact under Key Indicator 3.

There is more content on Complete PE than a school could ever utilise. This enables schools to design a broad and balanced curriculum, ensuring that learning is well sequenced and pupils are given enough time to learn. This meets the objectives schools under Key Indicator 4.

All of our units of work conclude in a celebration of learning! With links to the Schools’ Games website imbedded into our units of work, Complete PE will support every school to increase their participation in competition, generating impact under Key Indicator 5.

To find out more about how Complete PE can support your school, then get in touch with us.

The Government have today confirmed that the Primary PE and Sport Premium will continue for at least the next two academic years (2023-24 and 2024-25).

In addition, a further £22 million of funding for the nationwide network of 450 School Games Organisers will be made available too.

Both sets of funding will provide support for the next two academic years and will help schools to ensure PE and School Sport are inclusive, engaging and fun for all young people, allowing every child the opportunity to compete.

More information on this welcomed announcement can be found by clicking here.

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