We are proud to announce a brand-new partnership with the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA). We want to support the LTA on their mission to “open up tennis” by making tennis welcoming, enjoyable and inspiring to everyone.

By partnering with the LTA, this means that we are able to direct schools to resources, training and support from the LTA Youth Schools tennis programme. This programme helps teachers to deliver tennis as part of the curriculum and to assist them with wider school outcomes.

To begin our partnership we have added a selection of resources from LTA Youth Schools onto Complete PE. These resources are free for all schools to use. Schools can also access additional free content to support curriculum lessons and teacher training by signing up to LTA Youth Schools by clicking here.

1500+<br>Primary Schools

Primary Schools

8000+<br> Interactive Videos

Interactive Videos

1750+<br>Learning Cards

Learning Cards



Used in 18<br> different countries

Used in 18
different countries

Inspire Learn Succeed