About Malvern Primary School

Malvern Primary School is an inner-city primary school in the heart of Liverpool. Malvern cultivate the power of being KIND and this philosophy sits at everything they do – including PE, School Sport and Physical Activity.

What was your rationale and reason for choosing Complete PE?

We implemented Complete PE due to its accessible and easy format, for non-PE teaching staff to follow. The resources on Complete PE are accessible and easy to use/follow.

Complete PE was implemented prior to us employing a PE specialist across the school; however, we still use Complete PE for cover lessons and for students to use during flipped learning expeditions.

How is Compete PE now supporting your school?

Complete PE is used as a reference point in planning and delivery. Learning journeys are shared with students and the promotion of learning values enhanced using some of the resources.

Complete PE further enhances our curriculum and delivery process by offering advice and tasks that can be aligned to the learning journeys. The use of its videos and resources have also strengthened delivery throughout the school. Its simple breakdown has also enabled students to know what they are being assessed in and to demonstrate such skills for assessment purposes.

What impact has Complete PE had/is having in your school?

Complete PE has had a positive impact on the delivery of the PE curriculum, so that every class and year had access to a planned and structured curriculum. Following the appointment of a PE specialist, Complete PE is used as a reference point and a tool to enhance delivery of the curriculum across all years. The resource covers such a wide variety of sports and areas of learning, which allows us to expect our curriculum offer. In addition, the content is broken down in such a simple format that is easy for staff to explain and for students to absorb.

Since staff have used Complete PE ,along with the introduction of a PE specialist, we have seen an increase in participation and enjoyment during PE lessons (student voice) with a massive increase in uptake in sports participation at events and extra curricular activities.

We used Complete PE for our staff CPD. Complete PE has allowed us to collaboration with other members of sport staff, teaching staff and other schools as the resource is used across schools in our network.

Do you feel Complete PE will be able to support your school well into the future too?

Yes! Complete PE will support our school in the future as plans and resources get regularly updated. New sports (areas of learning) and resources are added and with this the scope to offer a wider curriculum can be established.

Let us show you the impact Complete PE can have in your school.


About Belmont Primary School

Belmont Primary School are situated in Derbyshire with approximately 420 pupils on roll. Belmont endeavour to provide a safe, happy environment where pupils will be nurtured to grow up to be a hardworking, responsible and well-behaved members of society.

What was your rationale and reason for choosing Complete PE?

We purchased Complete PE because it was a comprehensive package that staff were very positive about after a trial. Complete PE gives support to less confident staff whilst allowing excellent progression and development of skills for all pupils.

The key aim for implementing Complete PE was to find a resource that staff were enthusiastic about delivering, a resource that gave staff the confidence to deliver the full spectrum of PE and to instil a love of physical activity in all our children. We have endeavoured to make a difference when developing staff knowledge and understanding of PE and develop CPD opportunities. We completed an audit of staff confidence and found that some staff lacked confidence in the areas of gymnastics and dance.

We brought specialist teachers into school to support staff, model lessons and provide bespoke planning. Using Complete PE has bolstered staff confidence, many staff use the videos to support their teaching and help pupil knowledge and understanding. Our pupils love PE and it is brilliant to see the progress they are making using Complete PE. Skills are introduced, practiced and re-visited regularly to ensure proficiency.

What was Ofsted’s perspective?

Ofsted visited us in November 2022. A PE deep dive took place, and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. PE was found to be a strong subject and Complete PE was integral to this outcome. We shared lesson plan, progression documentation and assessments and all were highly praised.

*The Inspector did not make any specific comments linked to our intent even though this was shared.

How is Compete PE now supporting your school?

Complete PE up-skills our staff through its own CPD units and the use of comprehensive planning and video clips. We rolled Complete PE out across the whole school from the beginning of the academic year it was purchased. We had spent time trialling various schemes the previous academic year.

Complete PE has allowed us to map our PE curriculum in a clear and logical way. The map allows for solid progression in key areas. We did make some minor changes after the first year based on experience of the units and pupil voice. When new units are created, we look at those and if we add them we make adjustments to our map accordingly. Complete PE ensures that what we teach is appropriate to the year group and to individual pupils, we can adapt the planning we access and adjust lessons where necessary. The units we cover often feed into competition opportunities and after-school clubs.

Complete PE supports our teaching with high quality resources, planning and adapted lessons. Pupils have the opportunity to embed skills, revisiting them regularly and applying them in game situations. All staff are engaged with Complete PE. We work closely with Derby County Community Trust, and they also use Complete PE so that joint approach makes any shared teaching easy. Supply teachers coming into the school can be given access to the planning and quickly be able to see what the children have already covered and what comes next.

Assessment of PE using Complete PE is very simple and easy to do. We assess after every unit and this allows us to give a fair report at the end of the year that takes into account all of the areas of PE each child has covered.

What impact has Complete PE had/is having in your school?

Overall, Complete PE has had a very positive impact on PE delivery at Belmont Primary School. Staff confidence has improved, there is more consistency in what is delivered and progression is clear. As a subject leader Complete PE has made my role so much easier: I can assess easily and can access the assessments of others too. I can also see quickly how different genders, Free School Meals, Pupil Premium pupils perform and put interventions in place where necessary.

As a subject leader. I know what the curriculum map looks like across the whole school and can adjust it easily. I see good progression in the children I teach and positive outcomes across the whole school.

Do you feel Complete PE will be able to support your school well into the future too?

Yes, with regular updates, new units and resources I feel that Complete PE are always working to develop and refine their resource. I particularly like that Complete PE aim to work alongside NGBs.

What top tips would you give to other schools that may be considering implementing Complete PE?

Trial the scheme to ensure it works for your school, pupils and staff. Talk to other schools that use Complete PE to get a flavour of how it works for them. Consider what scheme your SSP or Community Trust use, if they are involved with your school.

Can you summarise the outcome of your PE Deep Dive and make reference to any areas that Complete PE supported this process?

Our PE deep dive went very well and PE was considered to be very strong. Complete PE documentation was used as part of the deep dive and made my job as PE lead so much easier. I could quickly share all aspects of the scheme and share and discuss the curriculum map, show progress ladders etc.

Let us show you the impact Complete PE can have in your school.


About Wardley Primary School

Wardley Primary School are an urban school based in Gateshead. Wardley are committed to creating a supportive environment, built on care and respect, in which all children are encouraged to believe in themselves and aspire to be the best that they can be.

What was your rationale and reason for choosing Complete PE?

We purchased Complete PE for several reasons. One of the biggest reasons was that the old curriculum we were teaching from had become dated and written by staff who were no longer at the school. This meant that staff didn’t understand at times what they were being asked to teach or lacked confidence in what was being asked of them. With Complete PE’s planning and lessons, all staff have clear objectives and outcomes for each lesson.

To measure staff confidence, a questionnaire has been sent out every year which asks staff a series of questions that measure confidence. This is usually of the whole curriculum and then individual topics. They are also asked to provide any further feedback. One of the most common bits of feedback is that we have received over the years is that staff lack confidence with dance and gymnastics. This might be because they don’t feel they have the skills themselves to demonstrate a skill or that the topic has been planned at a time when the wider curriculum was different and now the topic doesn’t make sense or fit. With the planning, key questions and videos that Complete PE provide, staff feel they have much more of an understanding of what they need to teach as well as the skills and resources to deliver it. Plus, with the suggested music for each dance topic, it makes the whole topic so much easier to plan for and deliver.

Complete PE was shown during a PE coordinators meeting. What caught our eye straight away was the videos that it offered. One of the biggest barriers to high quality teaching with PE is modelling good practice. By having the videos, regardless of staff confidence or class ability, there is always an example of how a task should be done. Also, the clear six sessions that each topic follows makes planning and fitting it into the time – table manageable which has helped keep teaching PE manageable in curriculum. The outcomes in terms of staff, was to increase confidence of the staff by giving them resources they could easily follow, the ability to differentiate when needed and have high quality examples for modelling.

In terms of the children, we have seen a massive increase in children’s enjoyment and participation in lessons. With a well-rounded curriculum that offers such a wide range of skills, children get a real enjoyment out of every topic. What has been a real revelation is some of the wellbeing sessions and fitness sessions. These sorts of topics level the playing field for the children. Those who are strong at the ‘traditional’ sports suddenly find they must really work and engage in something new that they aren’t used to.

How is Compete PE now supporting your school?

Staff across the school feel a lot more confident since we have brought in Complete PE. The biggest impact has been the videos that are on offer for each topic and session. This has allowed staff to demonstrate skills they may not be able to or understand what the outcome of a session should be.

Every teacher in school has bought into the programme. This has meant we have consistency amongst staff and as a lot of the PE is taught by HLTA’s, they are getting to see the different topics through the different year groups. This is really helping them see the journey the children are on.

The ability to map out the curriculum and have the overview so quickly to hand has also helped build that journey and lets staff know how the school sees children progressing. It has made meeting the national curriculum requirements easy as well. Furthermore, it’s also allowed us to add more well-being based session and ‘non traditional’ sports into the curriculum. This has really helped children find something they can enjoy but also give them skills to help them in the wider school community. Especially around calming techniques and resilience.

As we are still only a year into the programme, it’s hard to see the long-term progress of the children. However, the short-term outcomes have been huge. On a recent survey the overwhelming majority of children have said they enjoy PE. Lessons are fun and every survey has said that the teacher enjoys PE – which is huge!

What impact has Complete PE had/is having in your school?

The impact has been massive on PE provision. As the recent surveys have shown, the feedback from the children is massively positive. The feedback and comments from staff has been massively positive and the general running of PE has been so much easier. As a subject leader, it has taken a lot of pressure and work off me. With equipment lists being provided, I know what the school needs to make sessions run. I know what is being taught and when. I know the progression, I can check the outcomes and can talk to both children and staff about their sessions and use key questions to gauge outcomes.

As mentioned, the surveys have shown overwhelming support and enjoyment from the children. Very few children say they are bored during a lesson and if they are it’s usually from children who are competent at sports feeling they are ready for more challenge. There is a really good mix of topics that children enjoy as well, which shows that the curriculum is broad and providing something for everyone.

It has also helped collect feedback at where we can improve and what more we can offer. Whether we offer that through curriculum time or extra curricula time.

The staff surveyed who teach PE using Complete PE, 100% of them fed back that they now felt more confident teaching PE after a year of using the resource.

Let us show you the impact Complete PE can have in your school.


About Derby County Community Trust

Derby County Community Trust aim to improve the lives of those in the local communities through sport, physical activity, health and education.

Why did you choose to partner with Complete PE?

Derby County Community Trust (DCCT) delivers Physical Education across twenty-five partner schools in Derby, with a team of thirteen coaches. We wanted a consistent, high quality and holistic model to utilise across our partner schools. Complete PE’s resource focuses on developing the whole child through physical, cognitive and knowledge-based lesson objectives.

We also, work with a wider school’s network of sixty-five primary schools, whom we support with curriculum design. We have used Complete PE as a tool to support PE leaders with curriculum creation. Lots of these schools have then gone on to use the resource themselves. We like the ethos behind Complete PE and the fact that they are all about supporting schools instead of just selling a product. They support with our network meetings and conferences to help up-skill teachers whether they use the resource or not.

Why did you choose to use Complete PE as your preferred scheme of work?

When comparing Complete PE to other schemes of work, DCCT chose Complete PE due to the holistic nature of the resource. Alongside this, the curriculum leaders’ tools such as the curriculum mapping builder, assessment tools and progression ladders are really useful to support schools to map out and implement a high-quality Physical Education curriculum.

What impact has the Complete PE platform had on your staff?

Complete PE has enabled our team to deliver a consistent approach alongside the teachers in school may also be using Complete PE. It also means that coaches across our team save time when planning, reducing their stress and workload. This therefore allowing them to focus on delivery.

What impact has the training your team have received from Complete PE had on the overall quality of their PE delivery?

Complete PE have delivered CPD at our Network meeting as well as at our Schools conference. The training has included a “What is High Quality PE?” workshop which was popular and well received by our schools.

Our delivery staff have also received support with how to use the resource and regarding delivery of lessons to ensure holistic learning process.

By using Complete PE what impact has this had on the schools that you support/work with?

Since using Complete PE, we have seen the impact of the resources spill out into our partner schools. As part of our Premier League Primary Staff Programme, our qualified PE delivery staff are expected to support primary school teachers with delivering PE to help up-skill them and increase their confidences.

We have been able to use the learning card resources to help with lesson planning which has further supported our teachers understanding of what they are looking to achieve in their outcomes for their pupils in Physical Education lessons.

Let us show you the impact Complete PE can have in your school.


We are proud to class Complete PE as one of our ‘changemaker’ businesses.

We believe Complete PE provides the full package of support to teachers in planning, teaching and assessing high quality PE against both physical and personal outcomes for all pupils.

The fact that Complete PE is developed by current primary PE teachers means that the resource remains current and is ever evolving in line with the needs of teachers.

Why do the Youth Sport Trust choose to work collaboratively with Complete PE?

Complete PE provides high quality, teacher informed resources, training and tools to support PE subject leaders and generalists alike in driving vision, purpose and practice in PE from a physical literacy, holistic perspective.

This vital work aligns with our vision- to ensure the subject’s full worth is understood, and as a result the subject is embedded and valued across schools and their communities, ensuring all young people develop physically and personally, helping them to be healthier, happier, more resilient young people prepared for life in the 21st century.

What impact can Complete PE, with TOP PE and MYPB have on primary Physical Education?

It equips educators with the knowledge, understanding and skills to plan and deliver a PE curriculum that meets the needs of all learners. Complete PE meets teachers where they are in their relationship with PE, building confidence and competence at their pace and supporting their development as teachers and leaders of PE.

With YST’s TOP PE and My PB teaching and learning materials embedded within the sequences of learning, Complete PE makes explicit the links between the physical, social, emotional and cognitive domains of learning, supporting teachers to develop the whole child.

We have ensured that Complete PE can be affordable to schools long into the future, including enabling schools to pay a one off cost and own all the planning for life. Why is this important for sustainability?

Primary schools have seen 10 years of investment into PESSPA through the PE and school sport premium, with the key focus being on sustainable legacy.

Complete PE allows schools to pay a one off payment that provides access to planning, resources and online CPD that will continue to benefit teachers at the school now and into the future.

It is important that schools decide for themselves if a resource is going to be the right resource for their school. Are there any parts of Complete PE that schools should look at specifically while they are on trial?

The curriculum mapping, learner journeys and knowledge builders support subject leaders to be clear on the purpose and progression of their curriculum, so would be a great starting point for any school on trial.

The sequences of learning provide high quality examples of PE planning, accompanied with videos to show what success looks like, to help all teachers build their confidence to plan, teach and assess PE.

We work with YST closely when it comes to designing new workshops and training. Why do you think our training can be so valuable to schools?

It allows for the bringing together of national expertise and perspective politically and educationally, alongside on the ground realities from teachers to provide informative and thought leading strategic and delivery insight.

Let us show you the impact Complete PE can have in your school.


About St Margaret’s

St Margaret’s is a welcoming church school in Crawley, West Sussex. St Margaret’s aim to provide the highest quality of teaching and learning, where pupils are challenged to meet their full potential academically, spiritually and socially.

What was your rationale and reason for choosing Complete PE?

Complete PE is what it says on the tin, we wanted a curriculum that was easily accessible and reduced workload for staff. PE is a subject that always brings added pressure for staff as it relates to subject knowledge and teacher confidence.

We had a plan previously, but it had become outdated and cumbersome for staff, moving to Complete PE took away the shackles. I knew it would be an easy transition as I had used it previously, the planning is user friendly and easily digestible.

Our main key indicator was to ensure that teachers felt confident in delivering the PE curriculum and that meant resourcing knowing how to progress etc and Complete PE allows for that. Although we still have some teachers who are apprehensive about it, their confidence in delivering PE has significantly improved in the last six months. Teachers do feel more confident, and there is 100% improvement in the attitude to teaching PE within the staff at school.

Pupils always love PE, some are more confident than others, but everyone takes part and gets involved. What I really like about Complete PE is that video exemplars which teachers regularly show their pupils so that they can see successful models and takes the pressure away from the teachers to always model if they lack the confidence or the ability to do it themselves.

How is Compete PE now supporting your school?

We decided to move straight to Complete PE in September 2023, so in the summer the staff were given access to the platform and we mapped out their curriculum. This allowed any concerns to be addressed early and get the ball rolling for the new academic year.

The provision has increased massively, we can see staff confidence at a higher level than before. It has helped teachers top up their knowledge and has also enhance their ability to teach higher quality PE lessons.

What impact has Complete PE had/is having in your school?

Since we have been using Complete PE, we can see that the children are enjoying the lessons more as they are much more succinct and practical. One of the instant impacts we have seen at school is the enthusiasm of the teachers. The planning and the resources has enabled them to teach something they are less confident in doing.

Pupils really enjoy the activities and the lessons as there are lots of practical and theory to support their learning the detailed planning helps, Teachers can pick and choose how to deliver the lesson, but all of the outcomes are the same.

As a school we can already see the physical literacy and the involvement of the children in activities is increasing.

Let us show you the impact Complete PE can have in your school.


About Mansfield Town Community Trust

Our mission is to support and inspire people in our communities through the power of Football, Sport and Mansfield Town Football Club.

Why did you choose to partner with Complete PE?

Over the last two years, Mansfield Town Community Trust (MTCT) expanded their physical education support. Historically, the trust would only deliver football activities and very rarely, invasion games.

As an organisation we were looking to expand our PE and school sports offer to our local primary schools. We decided to partner with Complete PE based upon some of our employees’ previous experiences using their [Complete PE] resources, along with positive feedback from training courses that staff had attended.

Why did you choose to use Complete PE as your preferred scheme of work?

During our expansion into wider curriculum delivery, we also expanded our delivery team. Some of these members had experience of using Complete PE in previous roles and spoke about the detail of the resources and the support it gave them when planning their lessons.

For our current staff with little experience outside of football delivery, the resources were pivotal in providing an insight into how PE lessons across different topics looked and how they are structured.

What impact has the Complete PE platform had on your staff?

Upskilling a group of 12 delivery staff is never simple, especially when they are so used to delivering just one topic and area for a long period of time. For some, the transition was seamless, with the platform giving our staff a range of tools and delivery information to go out and deliver high quality PE. For other members of staff that couldn’t adapt straight away, they were given time to familiarise themselves and understand how they could implement this into the delivery.

Following a survey completed in February 2024, we asked staff how confident they felt planning a PE lesson prior to Complete PE recourses and a year after they were implemented. Only 3 out of 12 said they felt confident enough to plan and deliver PE outside of football. 18 months later, 10 out of 12 staff said they felt confident to plan and deliver across the PE curriculum, showing the impact resources had on our staff.

Following a survey completed in February 2024, we asked staff how confident they felt planning a PE lesson prior to Complete PE recourses and a year after they were implemented. Only 3 out of 12 said they felt confident enough to plan and deliver PE outside of football. 18 months later, 10 out of 12 staff said they felt confident to plan and deliver across the PE curriculum, showing the impact resources had on our staff.

What impact has the training your team have received from Complete PE had on the overall quality of their PE delivery?

MTCT have had two internal CPD days with Complete PE, with one focusing on PE delivery across all primary school year groups and another on Dance specific delivery. The benefit of the training days allowed our staff to link their prior knowledge into areas of the curriculum they haven’t delivered before. For many it was understanding how a PE lesson looked away from invasion games and delivering appropriate activities to various age groups.

We asked all staff members following the training days if they found them beneficial to their development of their primary PE knowledge with everyone saying it was either slightly beneficial or highly beneficial.

We asked all staff members following the training days if they found them beneficial to their development of their primary PE knowledge with everyone saying it was either slightly beneficial or high beneficial.

By using Complete PE what impact has this had on the schools that you support/work with?

Since using Complete PE, we’ve seen the impact of the resources spill out into our partner schools. As part of our Premier League Primary Staff Programme, our qualified PE delivery staff are expected to support primary school teachers with delivering PE to help upskill them and increase their confidence.

We’ve been able to use the activity cards resources to help with lesson planning which has further supported our teachers understanding of what they are looking to achieve in their outcomes for their pupils in PE lessons.

Let us show you the impact Complete PE can have in your school.


About Dinglewell Infant School

Dinglewell Infant School is situated on the outskirts of Gloucester.

Dinglewell’s aim is to treat every child as an individual and provide a secure, safe, happy and welcoming environment that they can thrive to learn in.

What was your rationale and reason for choosing Complete PE?

We had originally written our own scheme of work that linked to Fundamental Movement Skills. However, we decided to implement Complete PE as we felt it would give our school a clearly defined progression of learning.

As PE Subject Leader, making sure that every teacher completed PE assessments has always been a challenge. Complete PE offered a simple and manageable approach to this for teachers.

We also really wanted teachers to feel confident in teaching PE rather than buying in an expert teacher or company. It’s important to us that children have their class teacher teaching them PE as they do in their other subjects. The videos helped with CPD and to develop their confidence. The plans are easy to follow.

How is Compete PE now supporting your school?

Before implementing Complete PE, we delivered an inset for staff. This ensured that they understood how to use the new scheme. Staff are really pleased that they can print off and annotate the plans, allowing them to make the learning bespoke to their class.

We have purchased new equipment too, so that the whole scheme could be implemented effectively.

What impact has Complete PE had/is having in your school?

What impact has Complete PE had/is having in your school?

Since we have implemented Complete PE, we have had positive pupil and parent feedback. One thing that stood out from our recent pupil voice questionnaire, was that more pupils now enjoy their PE lessons.

Parents and pupils now understand why we predominantly focus on Fundamental Movement Skills and not a sport specific curriculum.

Pupils understand the term ‘physical literacy’ and what that looks like.

Staff are gaining more confidence teaching the whole PE curriculum and not just dance.

Do you feel that Complete PE will be able to support your school now and into the future too?

We can afford the sustainable membership each year and hope that this will continue after the PE and School Sport Premium too!

Let us show you the impact Complete PE can have in your school.


About Belmont Primary School

On the 16th November 2022 Belmont Primary School had an Ofsted inspection with a Lead HMI inspector and two team inspectors. The inspectors spent two days at Belmont Primary School and PE was selected for a deep dive.

I wanted to pass on the biggest “thank you” to the Complete PE team for producing such a wonderful resource as it proved to be a massive positive for our school’s PE inspection.

Jo Smith, PE Subject Leader

How Complete PE supported our PE Deep Dive

I was able to talk confidently and with detail about our PE curriculum, how it was created and the reasons behind the choices I have made. Having the bespoke dance units was a massive plus too.

I was able to show the inspector the Learning Ladders, Knowledge Organisers and the inspector especially liked the Learning Pathways. One class the inspector observed was working on the Balls Skills Hands 2 unit and they were developing their underarm throw. By showing the inspector the Learning Pathway example of Ball Skills Hands into Cricket, the inspector could clearly see the progression of learning that the children experience. 

The lesson plans clearly showed differentiation opportunities too. I was asked about assessment and was able to show quickly and clearly how the assessment tool within Complete PE works and how it allows me to analyse data and interrogate the data to look at Pupil Premium, SEND, gender etc and then to address any issues.

Other teaching staff were able to talk confidently about how helpful the resources, especially the video clips, were for both their confidence and to help the children understand the lesson objectives.

So, thank you, Complete PE has been such a brilliant addition to our curriculum and it has made my so much easier!

Jo Smith, PE Subject Leader

Feedback from the Inspector to the Headteacher

Feedback given to the Headteacher from the lead inspector stated that “PE was impressive”, “the children used key vocabulary well” and the “curriculum was well-planned and adapted to meet the needs of the learners”.

The inspector stated that the “PE Leader demonstrated strong leadership, good subject knowledge and maintained excellent CPD provision for staff. Pupil voice was given consideration and staff knowledge and confidence was audited well”.

The inspector praised us for our use of a Paediatric Occupational Therapist to produce 1:1 programmes that aim to remove barriers to learning in PE. The inspector commented that it was clear from lesson planning that SEND were included and supported.

Overall the inspectors felt our curriculum was ambitious, inclusive and adapted for all learners and that elements in our practice were outstanding.

Let us show you the impact Complete PE can have in your school.


About St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School is in Christchurch, Dorset.

The children at St Joseph’s are passionate about PE and School Sport. Staff create an culture in which every child feels inspired and has the opportunity to succeed.

In 2021-22 St Joseph’s retained the School Games Gold Mark for the fourth year running.

What was your rationale and reason for choosing Complete PE?

We first heard about Complete PE on a ‘My Personal Best’ training course delivered by the Youth Sport Trust. The scheme our school was using at the time was outdated and teachers were no longer using it properly.

We trialled Complete PE and really liked that the lessons were progressive and challenged learning, and that the ‘My Personal Best’ resources were embedded into the success criteria. The feedback from staff at the end of the trial was extremely positive, so we made the decision to go ahead and implement Complete PE.

We have been using Complete PE since 2019 and as the Subject Leader I can see a distinct improvement in the children’s abilities, their understanding of terminology and their love of PE and being physically active.

How is Compete PE now supporting your school?

We’re using the ‘Curriculum Mapping Tool’ to plan our PE for the year, so all staff know what they are teaching and when. This tool is really helpfully as the Curriculum Map for the whole year appears on the home screen when teacher’s log in. When a teacher logs into Complete PE, they can just click on the unit they are teaching in the Curriculum Map and it takes them straight to the plan. This is a great feature that saves them valuable time!

We love the Assessment Tool. It’s such an easy tool to use to monitor and track pupil’s progress in PE. Again, it’s another feature that saves teachers valuable time. Assessing a pupil is done in the click of a button and it’s great that a summative statement appears that summarises the learning for that particular unit too.

Teachers display the ‘Knowledge Organisers’ for the unit that is being taught in their class. Children say that this really helps them to understand what they are doing and why.

All staff are fully engaged in using Complete PE and comment on the high quality of the resource and how easy it is to use.

What impact has Complete PE had/is having in your school?

We have really seen the benefits that Complete PE has had since it was implemented in 2019.

We have more confident staff who enjoy teaching all areas of the PE curriculum, where as previously, they may have been reluctant to do so. During observations, it is evident that the children remain engaged in their PE lessons for a lot longer and are also physically active for sustained periods too. Teachers say that the abilities of all pupils have improved significantly since the implementation of Complete PE. Teachers say that the learning cards are a great resource which helps them to differentiate learning in PE.

Let us show you the impact Complete PE can have in your school.

1500+<br>Primary Schools

Primary Schools

8000+<br> Interactive Videos

Interactive Videos

1750+<br>Learning Cards

Learning Cards



Used in 18<br> different countries

Used in 18
different countries

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