Rayne Primary School

About Rayne Primary School
Rayne Primary School is situated in Braintree, Essex. They are a small village school with 290 pupils on roll including Nursery. Rayne have a low pupil premium intake but high SEN need.
We purchased Complete PE to help teachers with the teaching of PE as their confidence was low. We did not have a scheme of work or planning in place before this.
We decided to choose Complete PE because of the easy access to planning, it is low resource use (except normal PE equipment), and the unit plans were easy to follow, with the sequencing all laid out for you including skills, activities and game-based scenarios. The progression of units is easy to find and follow as well as being able to build your own curriculum of units.
The key aim for implementing Complete PE was to help teachers with the sequence of learning and the progression through the year groups.
As a school, we have used Complete PE to better introduce vocabulary into children’s learning. Children can use the key vocabulary confidently and in their explanation of their learning. This has helped as a subject lead to identify any gaps through pupil voice.
We rolled out Complete PE across the school. The first year (22/23) we rolled with what we knew in regards to a long-term plan. The next year (23/24), we identified where things went well and where they could be improved such as linking units of learning in with different out of school competitions. As a new PE lead, I took feedback from the teachers as to what units of learning worked well in specific terms.
The staff are engaged with Complete PE and children enjoy their learning.
Staff workload has decreased over time as the plans are there ready to pick up and go. Staff are now more familiar with the plans and overviews as time has gone on.
As a subject leader, there is regular feedback [from staff] to what works well, what could be improved, and we can develop.
As a subject leader, I have used Complete PE to create my own progression of vocabulary which I have shared with staff.
Because of the similarities and teaching style of the units, children are now able to make links between different areas/domains of learning.
Let us show you the impact Complete PE can have in your school.
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Increased Confidence
“Complete PE shows a clear map of progressive lessons (and skills) from EYFS to Year 6. Teachers confidence has increased since the implementation of the resource.”

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A life saver at times!
Do not hesitate to use Complete PE. The resource has everything you need if the school are unsure on PE delivery, planning and assessment.