Practical CPD

Our aim remains to ensure that all teachers feel confident to enjoying teaching Physical Education.

The Subject Support Area on Complete PE has a dedicated CPD section, that includes lots of pre recorded training to support all teachers and PE Leaders with different aspects of their role. Schools using Complete PE can book 1-1 subject leader meetings and access training online, when this support is needed.

But sometimes, nothing makes an impact quite like training in person. Do you or any colleagues in your school feel less confident when teaching certain parts of the PE curriculum? Are there aspects of the curriculum that would benefit from some in person training or support?

At Complete PE, we have a team of National PE advisors that are able to come into your school and provide bespoke support. This could be working 1-1 with teachers in lessons or providing whole staff insets.

The in-person training has a standard cost of £500+VAT, this can include a staff meeting too.

If this type of support could really benefit your school, then please get in touch. (All training is subject to availability).

All schools using Complete PE will have access to our brand-new Quidditch units (Year 3 – 6) and all the supporting resources, including:

  • 120 Success Criteria Videos
  • 40 Learning Cards
  • 12 Summative Assessment Statements
  • 4 Knowledge Organisers
  • A Knowledge Progression Journey

Schools can now start using these new units on Complete PE and we hope that you enjoy teaching them as much as we enjoyed creating them!

Contact us to find out more about

1500+<br>Primary Schools

Primary Schools

8000+<br> Interactive Videos

Interactive Videos

1750+<br>Learning Cards

Learning Cards



Used in 18<br> different countries

Used in 18
different countries

Inspire Learn Succeed