Meet Our Team
Meet the team behind Complete P.E.
Meet the team behind Complete P.E.
The author and face of Complete P.E.
Catherine is a globally recognised expert in the design and delivery of Physical Education. Since qualifying as a PE teacher in 2004, Catherine has dedicated her career to supporting teachers and wider stakeholders to deliver high quality PE.
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Just hearing from our member schools that their teacher’s confidence is growing and that staff enjoy teaching Physical Education!
Catherine has worked with and supported hundreds of schools and thousands of teachers across the UK and internationally. After starting her career as a Secondary School PE teacher, Catherine has worked exclusively in the Primary sector since 2006, becoming a Primary PE Advisor at the London Borough of Bexley in 2013. Catherine was later designated as a Specialist Leader of Education (SLE) for PE, as a result of the significant, positive impact that her leadership and support had had in the region.
Catherine delivers courses and programs on behalf of the Youth Sport Trust (YST) and has supported YST by re-writing and designing their Primary PE Subject leader Modules.
Catherine has also delivered the Association for PE (afPE) Level 5 and Level 6 qualification to hundreds of teachers and PE leaders in different regions of the UK.
Since 2020 Catherine has supported the University of Huddersfield as an Associate Lecturer, delivering content for their Sport and Pedagogy BA undergraduate course. This has involved designing and leading both practical and theory lectures, demonstrating high quality Physical Education.
In 2015, Catherine and the team aat Complete PE wanted to bring Catherine’s knowledge and expertise to life and ensure that all schools could be supported to implement high quality Physical Education. As the Director of Physical Education at Complete PE, Catherine is able to provide on-going support and training to our member schools on a daily basis.
Our customer service go to guy!
Joe is your main point of contact should you need any IT support with Complete PE. From setting up new staff, to resetting passwords, Joe is the go to guy. Joe works constantly to make sure that all our member schools receive the best support possible.
I just love all of it!
Our design and marketing expert!
If you like the look of Complete PE then thank David for this. David brings to life the ideas our educational team have, making the resource easy for all teachers to use. If you have ideas for taking the resource forward, then he is the person to talk to!
The fact that the resource is always evolving to ensure that teachers have access to the most up to date resources and support needed to deliver high quality PE.
The support linchpin
Paul provides constant support to both our admin and educational team. Paul works behind the scenes to make sure that Complete PE is moving forwards in the right direction. From booking conferences to managing our finances Paul is always on hand to help our team and our member schools.
The assessment tool. I love how simple the tool is to use and the way that data and the summative assessment statements are automatically calculated, saving teachers valuable time.
PE Advisor
Sarah is a passionate and creative facilitator of learning who strives to empower those she works alongside to maximise their true learning potential. Sarah is a recognised International Lead Consultant for Physical Education. Sarah continues to create and deliver bespoke training programmes for schools and Universities across the world.
The fact that it’s created by teachers for teachers! The resource is multidimensional and has so much to offer. It is what it says it is, ‘Complete PE.’
PE Advisor
Charlotte is a local authority PE advisor and education consultant for primary schools across the South East of England. Charlotte delivers primary teacher training and guest lecturing at several universities. Charlotte’s focus is to embed high quality Physical Education in primary schools and promote lifelong Physical Activity.
The Subject Leaders’ Area! This area contains so much support not only for PE Leaders but class teachers too.
Dance Advisor
Sarah trained in Performing Arts at Doreen Bird College and after performing professionally, started working extensively teaching dance in primary schools. Sarah has taught on creative language focused programmes, delivered teacher training and has written programmes of work for primary teachers to deliver dance across the UK and internationally.
Complete PE is so easy to navigate, which is vital for busy teachers! The video content is great for both staff and pupils to see what high quality learning looks like.
PE Advisor
Lesley is an independent consultant with over 25 years of experience working in education. Lesley is passionate about child development and ensuring children are provided with the right building blocks to achieve their potential. Lesley has authored a plethora of resources and courses in a variety of subjects across primary education, her first love, however, remains PE.
The Learning Ladders! They help teachers help children to connect new learning to prior learning, an essential step in schema development and retention of knowledge.
Inclusive PE Advisor
Dr. Niamh Mourton is an inclusion specialist working for national and international organisations, that champion inclusion through adaption for all people in and through physical education, sport, and physical activity. Niamh is passionate about empowering everyone to take their own responsibility for inclusion, so that we can build a more inclusive society for all.
The accessibility and flexibility of the resource, including the wealth of adaptations, ensures that all young people can be included in high quality, engaging PE.
Physical Activity Consultant
Adam is a qualified Personal Trainer committed to helping all his clients reach their fitness aspirations. With over five years of experience working in the fitness industry, Adam has had the privilege of guiding individuals from diverse backgrounds towards achieving their health and wellness goals. Adam will be working us to develop new Active Brain Breaks.
60 Second Physical Activity Challenges! These challenges are a brilliant way for pupils to compete against themselves to help improve their fitness levels and to achieve their own personal best.
Physical Activity Consultant
Steve is a Personal Trainer who has almost a decade of experience working with clients of all ages and abilities, including primary and secondary aged pupils. Steve runs his own fitness consultancy business that focuses on making sure his clients are feeling their best both physically and mentally. Steve will be supporting us to develop new, fun and engaging Physical Activity workouts.
The Active Brian Breaks! These workouts are a great resource that teachers can use whenever their pupils need a short sharp physical break.
Inclusive PE Advisor
Angela has 23 years teaching experience in specialist settings. Angela has developed expertise in postural management and motor development of children with physical disabilities and believes that every child has a right to access to high quality PE. Angela champions inclusion, adaptation and the delivery of genuine equity through personalised teaching and learning.
The Adaptive PE Cards! These resources are a great addition to Complete PE. These cards will provide teachers with a range of ideas to adapt the learning to support pupils with additional needs, ensuring that every child has access to high quality PE.
PE Advisor
Kirsty is an experienced teacher and lecturer who has experience working in a diverse range of schools, where she also fulfilled several leadership positions. Kirsty is currently taking a sabbatical from University of Huddersfield where she works as Senior Lecturer, to support us and PE scholar with the creation of the brand new Curriculum PE resources on behalf of Oak Academy.
I love the way that Complete PE highlights the importance of holistic learning through PE, and that every lesson encourages teachers to explore diverse ways in which pupils can learn through movement.
Primary Schools
Interactive Videos
Learning Cards
Used in 18
different countries