Events in December

Adaptive PE Webinar

Adaptive PE Webinar

Date & Time:

5 December 2024

3:45 pm - 4:30 pm


This webinar is now fully booked.


Free for all teachers and support staff

More Details +

Event Overview

This webinar is now fully booked.

This webinar will delve deep into unpicking what Adaptive Physical Education means and how it can be embedded into practice.

We will look at Physical Literacy approach and how inclusive and adaptive PE can support all children and young people, regardless of background or ability, to develop a positive relationship with movement and physical activity throughout their lives.

Throughout the webinar will explore the normalisation or different adaptive PE methods and spend time keying in on the 4 areas of SEND inspired by the areas outlined in the SEN Code of Practice: Physical, Cognition and Learning, Sensory and Social and Emotional.

Webinar outcomes:

  • Provide teachers with additional support and resources to ensure every pupil is fully included in Physical Education.
  • To be equipped with ideas and strategies for adapting PE activities for pupils with SEND.
  • Provide tools that give teachers the confidence to adapt curriculum content to meet the needs of their pupils.

This webinar is free for all teachers and support staff to attend.

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