Swim England
Swim England are the only recognised national governing body for swimming in England. Swim England help people to learn how to swim and enjoy the water safely. They firmly believe School Swimming and Water Safety lessons are the vital stepping stone to a lifelong love of swimming and aquatic activity.
Partner Comment
By working with Complete PE, we can ensure that more teachers and schools can have the necessary support and resources to feel confident to enjoy teaching and supporting School Swimming and Water Safety lessons, by having convenient access to the Swim England School Swimming and Water Safety Charter resources.
Other Partners

Birmingham City Foundation
Birmingham City Foundation are a registered charity that uses the power and passion of sport to create stronger safety and healthier communities, by delivering high quality sporting activities and programmes across Birmingham and beyond.
Partner Comment
We have partnered with Complete PE as their platform will ensure that all our team have access to the best resources and support that they need to deliver high quality PE lessons to our partner schools.

Oak National Academy
Oak National Academy supports great teaching. They are an independent public body who work in partnership to improve pupil outcomes and close the disadvantage gap by supporting teachers to teach, and enabling pupils to access a high-quality curriculum.
Partner Comment
Complete PE are working in partnership with Oak National Academy to create a sequenced, coherent and diverse PE curriculum complete with adaptable teaching resources. Complete PE have many years of experience in lesson and resource creation and are passionate about providing positive experiences for young people in PE, school sport and physical activity.

University of Huddersfield
The University of Huddersfield located in West Yorkshire, has an outstanding gold rating in the Teaching Excellence Framework. The university offer a wide range of sport-related and educational undergraduate degrees.
Partner Comment
Our staff and students have worked collaboratively with Complete PE on developing and piloting a range of new resources for SEND pupils. The process has been invaluable for students’ personal and professional development and has supported successful initial teacher training applications.