Case Studies in South East

Youth Sport Trust
Youth Sport Trust

Youth Sport Trust

Proud to partner

We are proud to class Complete PE as one of our ‘changemaker’ businesses.  We believe Complete P.E. provides the full package of support to teachers in planning, teaching and assessing high quality PE against both physical and personal outcomes for all pupils.

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St Margaret’s Primary School
St Margaret’s Primary School

St Margaret’s Primary School

100% improvement in the attitude to teaching PE

One of the instant impacts we have seen at school, is the increased enthusiasm of the teachers for teaching PE!

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St Michael’s Primary School
St Michael’s Primary School

St Michael’s Primary School

A whole staff approach to teaching PE

100% of teachers enjoy teaching PE since the introduction of Complete PE.  Teachers are now willing to teach PE rather than leaving it to a teaching assistant or avoiding teaching PE altogether.

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Thorn Grove Primary School
Thorn Grove Primary School

Thorn Grove Primary School

High Quality Teaching

Our pupils now have access to consistently, high quality teaching across the school.  The teaching staff have adopted a formative assessment approach (coloured band assessment), which is now used across the school.

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1350+<br>Primary Schools

Primary Schools

7500+<br> Interactive Videos

Interactive Videos

1500+<br>Learning Cards

Learning Cards



Used in 18<br> different countries

Used in 18
different countries

Inspire Learn Succeed