Junior Case Studies

Rayne Primary School
The plans are easy to follow!
The supporting resources with detailed diagrams are very clear and easy to follow.

Malvern Primary School
A life saver at times!
Do not hesitate to use Complete PE. The resource has everything you need if the school are unsure on PE delivery, planning and assessment.

Belmont Primary School
Our pupils love PE and it is brilliant to see their progress …
Complete PE gives support to less confident staff whilst allowing excellent progression and development of skills for all pupils.

Wardley Primary School
Complete PE has had a massive impact on our PE provision!
The build-up of steps builds pupils confidence. There’s a great range of games to support learning!

Derby County Community Trust
Helping to up skill teachers and our staff
We like the ethos behind Complete PE and the fact that they are all about supporting schools instead of just selling a product!

Youth Sport Trust
Proud to partner
We are proud to class Complete PE as one of our ‘changemaker’ businesses. We believe Complete P.E. provides the full package of support to teachers in planning, teaching and assessing high quality PE against both physical and personal outcomes for all pupils.

St Margaret’s Primary School
100% improvement in the attitude to teaching PE
One of the instant impacts we have seen at school, is the increased enthusiasm of the teachers for teaching PE!

Mansfield Town Community Trust
... the impact of Complete PE spills out into our partner schools
Complete PE’s CPD days has furthered my understanding of PE and how it can implement my skillset across my planning and delivery.

Belmont Primary School
Using Complete PE has made my job so much easier!
Complete PE is such a wonderful resource, and it has made such a positive impact on our school’s overall PE provision.

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
A really easy resource to use
All staff are fully engaged in using Complete PE and comment on the high quality of the resource and how easy it is to use.

St Michael’s Primary School
A whole staff approach to teaching PE
100% of teachers enjoy teaching PE since the introduction of Complete PE. Teachers are now willing to teach PE rather than leaving it to a teaching assistant or avoiding teaching PE altogether.